This exhibition is a portrait of 14 select Dutch contributions to
World Expos since 1910. Every contribution is a glance in the
mirror, showing where the Netherlands is at a particular point
in history, where it wants to be, and how this desire can be
displayed at a particular point in history. Documentation and
remnants of the exhibitions are collected here for the first time
and present a dialogue between modernity and nationality,
economy and image, corporate opportunism and collective
ambitions. Sometimes exotic, sometimes packed with enormous
quantities of stuff, sometimes boring and empty. Sometimes
small and introverted, courageous and convinced, timid and
modest, experimental and funny, but always Dutch.
Curator / Content Development: Stephan Petermann (AMO)
Spatial Design: Marieke van den Heuvel (MANN)
Graphic Design: Lu Liang
Models by Cedric van Parys

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